Monday, December 29, 2008

It's All in How You Ask the Question...

A message to all GMs, RMs and Sales Supervisors: try this - it works.

It is very important that we gauge exactly where our associates are when it comes to MBE behaviors and their comfort level with each one. That is why it is ultra-critical to constantly take "pulse checks" on where your associates are with them. So at the beginning of each day and each shift I have been posing this question to all of the associates:
"If you were to be mystery shopped today, what would your score be?"
Ask them for a numerical score, just like they would receive as if they were to be shopped. Once you have your answer, ask a follow-up question:
If it was less than 100%(which it usually is): "What behavior or behaviors could potentially keep you from getting 100%?"

This will give you some very good insight as to what your associates are comfortable with and will be an open door to begin some great conversations around MBE behaviors. Also, you can focus your observations that day around those specific behaviors and begin to really dig into what opportunities your associates may be facing.

It is important for another reason, too - we need to keep momentum going around MBE. By allowing our associates to go through each day not expecting to score 100% on Mystery Shops, and worse, not delivering a Mind-Blowing Experience to each customer they encounter, we are failing them, and we cannot allow that.

So do yourself and your associates a favor - start this today and keep it going everyday - you'll be surprised at some of the answers that you will get - I promise it will get some great conversations going.

Monday, December 22, 2008


I just wanted to take a moment and wish everyone in Region 16, as well as their families, the happiest of holiday seasons.

Be sure to take the time to enjoy the time you are able to spend together with friends and family and celebrate in your own way.

Thank you for all of your support in 2008 and all of your continued support in 2009.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Roc'n Top 16 for November 2008

Once again, the associates of Region 16 have done an amazing job delivering on results - let's take a moment and celebrate those results with the ones that did an exceptional job driving those results on an individual basis. Thanks for your hard work!!

click on the image to print/view in full size

Monday, December 15, 2008

Staying Connected with the Patients in 1015

During a recent visit to store 1015 in Old Saybrook, CT I came across a newsletter that the Doctors of Optometry had sent out to their patients to update them for the winter. Dr. Matt King and his brother, Dr. Doug King, have been sending this newsletter out on behalf of their practice now for some time and I thought it was an excellent way to stay in touch with their patients as well as provide some extremely valuable eye health information. Topics include contact lens care and technology, eye health updates and updates on the practice, including continuing education for the practicing ODs.

Keeping the practice 'top of mind' with our patients will make it that much easier to reinforce the need to schedule annual eye exams. This newsletter is sent to patients on a quarterly basis and includes information about seasonal eye health needs and addresses pertinent patient questions.

Please take a moment and check out the great info shared in their newsletter and be sure that all of our ODs have the opportunity to see it as well.

In a time when we need all the help we can get in filling up our appointment books, King Family Eye Care has taken a very proactive, patient-based approach, which will help them retain patients and build loyal customers for life!

Click on the image for a full-size view.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

More pictures from Hometown Day in 761

Here are more images from the Hometown Day Event in Store 761 in Warwick, RI.

Click on any image for a larger view.

Hometown Day Celebrated in Warwick

On Tuesday, December 2 in LenCrafters Store #761 in Warwick, RI, 22 children from the West Broad Street Elementary School in Providence were treated to eye exams, new glasses and a little holiday fun. The store was celebrating Hometown Day 2008. Several associates volunteered to help - including making the glasses, assisting the doctors and just having some fun with all of the kids. As is turned out, every one of the 22 students had at least a mimimum need for glasses, and for many the need was significant. For most of those students, this would be their first time wearing glasses, and as a result, seeing clearly.

Click on any picture for larger view

One happy student shows off his new glasses

Deb Klos, Retail Manager of Store 761, organized the event with the school nurse after one of the students lost their glasses on the bus. After the students all received their new glasses, all of the associates from the lab came out and distributed holiday gift bags put together by Deb and her staff. It was a truly inspiring day that illustrated what Hometown Day is all about!

All the students wearing their new glasses

Carla dispenses a new pair of glasses.

Lab Manager Bob passes out holiday treat bags

RLS Rob has some fun while students wait for exams

She loves them!

Do you have a great Hometown Day story? Email Adam at to let us hear about it!

Friday, November 28, 2008

October ROC'n Top 16

Here's our ROC'n Top 16 for the month of October 2008. So as we continue on through the 4th Quarter, let's be sure and celebrate all of the great accomplishments of our top-notch associates.

Click on the image for full-size view: